fabioz / startexplorer

This Eclipse plug-in offers tight integration of system file manager (Windows Explorer, Gnome Nautilus, KDE Konqueror, Mac Finder, ...) and shell (cmd.exe, Linux/Mac terminal) in Eclipse.
MIT License
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Add support for resource outside of workspace #38

Closed cleibelt closed 10 years ago

cleibelt commented 10 years ago

When a non-workspace file is opened, selection is empty and resource fetched is of wrong type. Often times when debugging, I step into a library file etc. that is not within workspace. I could not figure out how to get this to work.

To reproduce: File > Open File > Right click on open file > StartExplorer > Start Shell in this Path > error

Event Details: The current selection is an empty text selection, so the command was invoked for the resource opened in the editor. But the object fetched by event.getApplicationContext().getParent().getVariable("activeEditorInput") is not of expected type IFileEditorInput: org.eclipse.ui.ide.FileStoreEditorInput@6405b6ae

Session Data: eclipse.buildId=M20120208-0800 java.version=1.6.0_27 java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86, WS=gtk, NL=en_US Framework arguments: -product org.eclipse.epp.package.rcp.product Command-line arguments: -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86 -product org.eclipse.epp.package.rcp.product

basti1302 commented 10 years ago

In which case exactly do you see this? When the editor shows a class from a Jar file? Are you even working with Java? What exactly do you mean with "library file"?

A screenshot would be quite helpful here, I think.

Assuming that you are talking about class files in external Jar files: I can reproduce your problem for this case and I could also provide a fix for this. Could you verify that the fix works for you before I publish a bug-fix version?

cleibelt commented 10 years ago

Hi Bastian,

Thanks for the prompt reply. Sorry for the confusion. I am working with python and was referring to a standalone/non-archive file ie. python module file *.py in the file system as an example. The test case can be applied to any standalone file type. So, create a file foo.txt on your desktop. Then open the file from eclipse. Right click to perform StartExplorer command and observe the problem.

Thanks again!

basti1302 commented 10 years ago

Okay, understood. Fix coming.

basti1302 commented 10 years ago

Fix is included in version 1.5.1. I would appreciate if you could verify that this solves your issue and give feedback here.

cleibelt commented 10 years ago

The fix solves the issue. Thanks for all your work and quick turn around. I use this feature often.