fable-compiler / fable-react

Fable bindings and helpers for React and React Native
MIT License
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React is not loaded properly when Fable.React is referenced from a Class Library #190

Closed fc1943s closed 4 years ago

fc1943s commented 4 years ago

Project to reproduce: https://github.com/fc1943s/fable-react-compile-error


cd App
yarn install
yarn run webpack-dev-server

I want to keep my Custom Hooks in a separate library, but react is not loaded properly when any code from the Fable.React.HookBindings module is present in a project which is not the main one (loaded from webpack.config.js). Is this a problem in Fable.React or Fable?


image Note that deleting the Hooks.useRef line automatically compiles everything with HMR. It compiles just fine when moving said line from the "Library" project to the "App" project.

Compilation errors:




MangelMaxime commented 4 years ago

The problem is not because you are creating a separate library but because of your project setup and how webpack works.

When webpack is searching for an npm package it will search a node_modules folder from the directory with the file requiring it. If it's not found it will look at the parent level etc.

In your case, the node_modules are hosted inside the App so it can't be found directly by webpack from Lib folder.

You have 2 solutions to solve the problem:

Move your package.json at the root of your repository.

Or explain to webpack where it can find the node_modules folder by using something like:

module.exports = {
  resolve: {
    modules: ['node_modules', path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules")]

Webpack documentation

fc1943s commented 4 years ago

Wonderful! It works. Thank you!