fablevi / HideItems

This GNOME extension made every item hidden exept the Settings and this button 🎉
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Change Settings behavior on click #2

Closed Scridgeon closed 3 months ago

Scridgeon commented 4 months ago

The settings menu should not be shown automatically on left-click. This action forces an additional screen click to hide the setting.


Expectations: Left-clicking on the arrow will expand/collapse the arrow.

Suggested Options: Remove the Settings as an option when clicking on the arrow or Move the settings to a right click action when clicking on the arrow

Impasse52 commented 3 months ago

From what I can see, what you're asking for is the normal behavior. However, the moment I lock and unlock the screen I can verify that:

  1. the extension throws an error: TypeError: item is null (I verified that in Extension Manager)
  2. the error is not thrown anymore once I disable the GameMode extension.

Try checking if you can replicate this bug when only GameMode (or whatever other extension is causing it for you), AppIndicator and Hide Items are enabled.

fablevi commented 3 months ago

Hey, i think i fixed the first issue.

Thanks for the report.

fablevi commented 3 months ago

For the secound comment, i dont think im need to be responsibe for others code. I dont know what Gamemode extension make in the background, and i dont have time to figure out how to fix it. I only take the St.Buttons on the rightPanel and hide and unhide them. Im sorry for saying this but i wont have time and money to fix this issue. If you have time or knowlage how to fix it, create a fork or pull request and i will implement it.

Thanks for your cooperation :)

Impasse52 commented 3 months ago

That's fair enough, thank you for your work!