fabmax / kool

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Feature Request (Optional ) - GLTF/GLB combining model animations #23

Open ronjunevaldoz opened 1 year ago

ronjunevaldoz commented 1 year ago

This can be optional feature, we know that we can have all animations in a single gltf/glb file. I know this is overkill but incase we want to merge animations from different file with same model without modifying it in Blender

I'm thinking of merging the models animations in preload of gltf models.

loadGltfModel("path/to/model-walk.glb", "path/to/model-idle.glb", "path/to/model-run.glb", modelCfg)

Then we can now enable animations like this

// walk = 0, idle =1, run = 2
model.enableAnimation("walk") // idle, run, atck
fabmax commented 1 year ago

is there any description coming? otherwise i'll close it