fabric-testbed / InformationModel

FABRIC Information Model library
MIT License
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Authz attributes, mirror ports, storage, topology validation in ASMs #110

Closed ibaldin closed 2 years ago

ibaldin commented 2 years ago

This is a large patch for a number of things:

  1. Support for PortMirror network services (see test/slice_topology_test.py testPortMirrorService())
  2. Support for storage components in ASMs (see test/slice_topology_test.py testNodesAndComponents())
  3. Support for collecting necessary information to create authorization requests to PDPs based on slices, slivers etc) (see test/attribute_collector_test.py)
  4. Support for additional network service constraints on interface types, properties for ASM validation (transparent to users)
  5. Support for node property constraints in ASMs (transparent to users)

Mostly additive changes however

  1. Network Service Interfaces when attached to nodes are now named as concatenation of names of node-component-port, rather than network service-component-port.