fabric-testbed / InformationModel

FABRIC Information Model library
MIT License
7 stars 1 forks source link

API Recommendations v1 #12

Closed ibaldin closed 3 years ago

ibaldin commented 3 years ago


ibaldin commented 3 years ago

2 has been addressed in #11

ibaldin commented 3 years ago

for 3 it is true that Shared vs SmartNIC types are the only ones that share a model and a special model name can stand in as a proxy for type. I don't think eliminating type completely is a good idea, but for add component removing it is certainly possible. @paul-ruth

ibaldin commented 3 years ago

for 1 there is already an init.py under fim/user that renames a bunch of things. We can create another package that starts with fabric. namespace but it would be fake and just import from other packages. I would not be in favor of deep renaming of existing packages at this point as that naming serves multiple purposes. 'fim' is shorter to spell than 'fabric', and at this point all users need to import is fim.user they can do import fim.user as exp and have the same effect as above.

I suggest we wait a little bit until the client side API for CF also stabilizes - it may make sense at this point to create a meta package that imports from FIM and from CF client APIs to create a single point of import for experimenters. That package (via imports from other packages) can unify credential handling, FIM and CF API under one roof for experimenters.

ibaldin commented 3 years ago

Bullet 1 will be addressed via ticket https://github.com/fabric-testbed/software-planning/issues/35

ibaldin commented 3 years ago

Bullet 1 has been addressed.