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Make unit tests for contrib.files #335

Open bitprophet opened 13 years ago

bitprophet commented 13 years ago


I feel that this is the simplest contrib to get into and start writing some tests for. While not required, since they aren't core, it'd be nice to have some, since more people are relying on them.

Originally submitted by Morgan Goose (goosemo) on 2011-04-05 at 05:29pm EDT


bitprophet commented 13 years ago

Morgan Goose (goosemo) posted:

Here is a first go at me testing, it's only doing exists, and it's not really testing it, but as it's using SFTP().exists() when I get #334 in this will work with the exists check I've commented out

    from __future__ import with_statement

    import os
    import shutil
    import sys
    import tempfile
    import types
    from contextlib import nested
    from StringIO import StringIO

    from nose.tools import raises, eq_
    from fudge import with_patched_object

    from fabric.state import env
    from fabric.operations import require, prompt, _sudo_prefix, _shell_wrap, \
    from fabric.api import get, put, hide, show, cd, lcd, local
    from fabric.contrib.files import exists
    from fabric.sftp import SFTP

    from utils import *
    from server import (server, PORT, RESPONSES, FILES, PASSWORDS, CLIENT_PRIVKEY,

    class TestContribFiles(FabricTest):
        def setup(self):
            super(TestContribFiles, self).setup()
            self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        def teardown(self):
            super(TestContribFiles, self).teardown()

        def path(self, *path_parts):
            return os.path.join(self.tmpdir, *path_parts)

        def exists_remotely(self, path):
            return SFTP(env.host_string).exists(path)

        def exists_locally(self, path):
            return os.path.exists(path)

        def test_file_exists(self):
            exists() with a single non-globbed filename
            remote = '/file.txt'
            with hide('everything'):
                #assert exists(remote)
                assert SFTP(env.host_string).exists(remote)

on 2011-04-05 at 05:31pm EDT