fabric8-analytics / fabric8-analytics-license-analysis

License Analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0
6 stars 25 forks source link

Licensing #216

Open pombredanne opened 3 years ago

pombredanne commented 3 years ago

Hi! I am the maintainer of scancode-toolkit which is used by the f8 worker to detect licenses (see https://github.com/fabric8-analytics/fabric8-analytics-worker/blob/d055bb8c3042d0e8ce0aa78d24a5be38d6b6db74/f8a_worker/workers/license.py ) scancode-toolkit itelf is Apache-licensed and I would love to possibly integrate this license analysis module there too but there is a licensing issue because this module is GPL-licensed. Could I interest you in considering making it available under some other terms (GPL with exception, LGPL, Apache?)? Thanks!