fabric8-services / fabric8-jenkins-idler

OpenShift.io service to idle resp.unidle Jenkins instances
Apache License 2.0
4 stars 15 forks source link

Remove unused WatchDeployment in openshift client #287

Closed sthaha closed 5 years ago

sthaha commented 5 years ago

Commit 268cd06f0028f95d376d98e24771c48f06d0249c didn't cleanup all references to WatchDeploymentConfig.

alien-ike commented 5 years ago

Ike Plugins (test-keeper)

Thank you @sthaha for this contribution!

It appears that no tests have been added or updated in this PR.

Automated tests give us confidence in shipping reliable software. Please add some as part of this change.

If you are an admin or the reviewer of this PR and you are sure that no test is needed then you can use the command /ok-without-tests as a comment to make the status green.

For more information please head over to official documentation. You can find there how to configure the plugin.

chmouel commented 5 years ago


chmouel commented 5 years ago

There is a few DeploymentConfig ref :

README.md:28:In order to determine whether a Jenkins instance can be idled, the Idler monitors OpenShift Build and DeploymentConfig changes.
README.md:33:1. Idler watches Build and DeploymentConfig changes in OpenShift
README.md:34:2. Idler controls the state of Jenkins DeploymentConfig in OpenShift
internal/model/openshift_objects.go:45:// DCObject is DeploymentConfig Object.
internal/model/openshift_objects.go:48: Object DeploymentConfig `json:"object"`
internal/model/openshift_objects.go:97:// DeploymentConfig define the template for a pod and manages deploying new images or configuration changes.
internal/model/openshift_objects.go:99:type DeploymentConfig struct {
internal/openshift/client/openshift_client.go:78:                               UnidleTargets: fmt.Sprintf("[{\"kind\":\"DeploymentConfig\",\"name\":\"
internal/openshift/client/openshift_client.go:108:      // Update DeploymentConfig - scale down.
internal/openshift/client/openshift_client.go:109:      dc := model.DeploymentConfig{
internal/openshift/client/openshift_client.go:134:      ndc := &model.DeploymentConfig{}
internal/openshift/client/openshift_client.go:142:              return errors.New("could not update DeploymentConfig with replica count")
internal/openshift/client/openshift_client.go:252:      dc := &model.DeploymentConfig{}
internal/router/router_test.go:142:             json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(model.DeploymentConfig{})
internal/router/router_test.go:153:             json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(model.DeploymentConfig{})
internal/testutils/testdata/deploymentConfig.json:3:  "kind":"DeploymentConfig",
internal/testutils/testdata/deploymentConfig.json:18:      "kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration":"{\"apiVersion\":\"v1\",\"kind\":\"Deploy
internal/testutils/testdata/deploymentConfig.json:52:        "message":"Deployment config does not have minimum availability.",
openshift/jenkins-idler.app.yaml:8:- kind: DeploymentConfig