fabric8-services / fabric8-jenkins-idler

OpenShift.io service to idle resp.unidle Jenkins instances
Apache License 2.0
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Remove the regexp based filtering for clusters #309

Closed kishansagathiya closed 5 years ago

kishansagathiya commented 5 years ago

/clusters endpoint of cluster service now has one more field type in cluster data. We can use that instead of using the regex filting that we use right now.

alien-ike commented 5 years ago

Ike Plugins (test-keeper)

Thank you @kishansagathiya for this contribution!

It appears that no tests have been added or updated in this PR.

Automated tests give us confidence in shipping reliable software. Please add some as part of this change.

If you are an admin or the reviewer of this PR and you are sure that no test is needed then you can use the command /ok-without-tests as a comment to make the status green.

For more information please head over to official documentation. You can find there how to configure the plugin.

kishansagathiya commented 5 years ago

I have changed the auth client to the client generated from https://github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth/pull/724, which is why this PR is big otherwise the actual change is pretty small. The change that is not auto-generate is in internal/cluster/cluster.go and internal/cluster/service.go

hrishin commented 5 years ago

@khrm we need to follow up on this PR.

chmouel commented 5 years ago

Agreed with @hrishin we need to covert this by a test properly please,

khrm commented 5 years ago

Closing this. Check the new pr https://github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-jenkins-idler/pull/329