fabric8-ui / fabric8-runtime-console

DEPRECATED - the angular 2 runtime console for Builds, Pipelines, Environments and Runtime resources
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Remove store layer #146

Open pmuir opened 7 years ago

pmuir commented 7 years ago

The store layer is not compatible with reactive programming.

jstrachan commented 7 years ago

in what way? :)

jstrachan commented 7 years ago

the store just provides Observble<T> for some entities and an Observable<boolean> loading indicator together with the API to mutate entities - what else did you have in mind?

pmuir commented 7 years ago

I don't like storing the observables like that in an singleton, it feels very dangerous to me, I would prefer the method to just return the stream - it feels to me like trying to jam a request scope in, and after many years of building request scopes, I think they aren't good.

I'm also not a huge fan of deep object hierarchies so I would probably just collapse the store layer in to the service layer making both stateless (well, session/app scope is fine, just not a pseudo-request).

jstrachan commented 7 years ago

They're not singletons btw - just things you inject into components; but yeah I don't like the name 'store' at all really either :)

But we need a name for the objects which compose other service/streams to make composite view/stream/thingies. Naming is hard though!

BTW its kinda hard to pass in things like 'namespace' as parameters into the service layer as the ActiveRoute parameters are all observables too; so you really do need some object that composes ActiveRoute with other streams to make the right requests etc. Not sure the right name though!

For example we should have a thing that contains an Obervable<Pod> (with loading Observable) for the current route's namespace' as a thing you can just inject into any component. Not sure what to call the objects that join the route parameter observables with other kubernetes services into one or more observables though?

jstrachan commented 7 years ago

Maybe we reuse DI terminology - we're really just referring to Observable producers. Little objects you can inject into your component which own/manage one or more observables?

e.g. someting like...

export class MyComponent {
  constructor(protected podsProducer: ObservablePodsProducer) {}

 Observable<Pods>pods  = this.podsProducer.entities;
 Observable<boolean>  loading = this.podsProducer.loading;

then the ObservablePodsProducer hides all the ActiveRoute observing to watch the current namespace and the use of the service layer.

I guess another approach to the ActiveRoute observable is to try inject the Namespace into DI using router centric dependency injection? Never tried using that angular 2 feature yet - but it might simplify having to observe parameters?

pmuir commented 7 years ago
export class Namespaces {

  current(): Observable<Namespace> {
    throw new Error('No provider is registered for Namesapces');
export class NamespacesService extends Namespaces {   

  constructor() {}

  current(): Observable<Namespace> {
    return actuallyLoadTheNameSpaceForTheCurrentRoute();


And then you can pass to the 'service layer' pipelinesStore.loadAll(namespaces.current());


jstrachan commented 7 years ago

sounds good