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Design: Docs landing page #703

Open catrobson opened 7 years ago

catrobson commented 7 years ago

Design a landing page for the OSIO docs. https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-online-docs/issues/40#issuecomment-337604181


For now, we just need:

What we want to include that's not already there:

Considerations for the future (this will need acks from others, but I imagine it could be useful):

Also, at this point, the page carries its own CSS, which is awful. I suppose some CSS shared with OSIO could be used to minimize loading time.

catrobson commented 6 years ago

@muruGanesan can you and the team take a look at this and provide some insights and designs to Robert Kratky?

muruGanesan commented 6 years ago

@catrobson, I will assign someone to look at this.

muruGanesan commented 6 years ago

@catrobson, Ashish is assigned to this task. He will start the work on Monday 18th Dec 17, He would like to get some information/background about this requirement.

AshishDurgude commented 6 years ago

Hi @catrobson I have created the visual but feed section is remaining, before proceeding further I want some feedback on my visual and please point me in the right direction for the same.


catrobson commented 6 years ago

Thanks Ashish!

A few comments (In the future, placing designs in InVision makes it much easier to comment in context of the screen rather than having to use words to explain where on the page I am describing):

AshishDurgude commented 6 years ago

@catrobson Thanks for your feedback. I'll work on that.

rkratky commented 6 years ago

@muruGanesan, @AshishDurgude, thanks. I didn't know this was being worked on. In the mean time, we were discussing one other thing:

Also, I had a chat with @rhoads-zach who's responsible for RHOAR/LOSIO docs (see https://appdev.openshift.io/docs/), and we discussed the possibility of having a unified landing page for all os.io-related docs (pending acks from interested parties). Could you please, look into that as an option when designing the docs.os.io page?

I believe it would make a lot of sense to have a single docs front page from which links could go to content specific to the different solutions (OSIO, LOSIO, RHOAR, ...).

Comments about the mock up:

catrobson commented 6 years ago

@rkratky curious why you would want something outside of the customer portal for the single solution to docs for multiple products? Today that is the shared docs location option, and I think we would probably want to have a larger discussion with other stakeholders like Dawn Eisner and Sam Knuth if we're going to be proposing something else.

rkratky commented 6 years ago

@catrobson The LOSIO/RHOAR docs I mentioned already are published outside of the CP. And since they're related to OSIO, it would make sense to present them from the same place as OSIO docs.

As for why there are any RH docs outside of the CP at all (i.e. what's the reason for the existence of docs.openshift.io in the first place -- instead of publishing OSIO docs on the CP), that was a request by Todd and co.

We (the docs team) initially expected to publish OSIO docs on the CP just like other product docs, but we were asked to go for docs.os.io instead. I'm not terribly happy about that, but that's the way it is. And I can understand the ask to have docs under the same umbrella as the rest of the product.

(When this became clear, I also asked the CCS tooling team about the possibility of using the CP publication toolchain for publishing on external properties (such as docs.os.io) to avoid any duplication of effort, but that was rejected as something they won't support.)

Btw, Sam knows about docs.os.io et al.

catrobson commented 6 years ago

@rkratky Thanks for bringing me up to speed! Ok, I understand where we are now and agree with a unified front to docs from Launch, RHOAR, etc.

AshishDurgude commented 6 years ago

Hi @catrobson.my invision account has only reviewer access. Can you please provide me the contributors access, so that I can upload my designs to invision?

catrobson commented 6 years ago

@AshishDurgude updated!

AshishDurgude commented 6 years ago

@catrobson Thanks for giving me collaborator access. Here is the link: https://redhat.invisionapp.com/share/YPF2HO3V4. Suggestions are welcome.

AshishDurgude commented 6 years ago

Hi @catrobson & @rkratky , this is the updated design link: https://redhat.invisionapp.com/share/R9F33K98F

AshishDurgude commented 6 years ago

Hi @catrobson & @rkratky, I have updated the design. please look at it. https://redhat.invisionapp.com/share/C3F2HNKHV

AshishDurgude commented 6 years ago

@rkratky, https://redhat.invisionapp.com/share/C3F2HNKHV

I have added the red header. I have a question. In the Invision, the comment you gave the suggestion that "boring" header we're using now for the pages with individual docs.". So do you want me to create that page also? If yes, can you send me the individual docs page link? If no, then can you explain more about this? & if this is the screen you want. Then it's done.

catrobson commented 6 years ago

@rkratky are you all set with the designs here, or is there more discussion to have?

rkratky commented 6 years ago

@catrobson I added some more comments for Ashish to the mock up.

AshishDurgude commented 6 years ago

Hi @rkratky and @catrobson, I made some changes as per his reviews. here is the link. https://redhat.invisionapp.com/share/C3F2HNKHV

But before that, I have a question to @catrobson. If you open the above link, then on the first screen, you will see that I added tabs for OSIO and RHOAR document. It's that okay?