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Wireframe/Doc: How to handle pages with no OSO #768

Closed catrobson closed 6 years ago

catrobson commented 6 years ago

For users who try to look at codebases, pipelines, and other pages that require OSO connection, what do we show when the current user is not signed in, but the space owner has connected them?

catrobson commented 6 years ago

Captured as a document here for access permissions: https://docs.google.com/a/redhat.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tmsh3bfzShNLoOYZQAsFdNxXdkqeiV6bwIvgxg_cXBw/edit?usp=drive_web

catrobson commented 6 years ago

For now we won't show pages that are marked as "no". We will need an error state for widgets on dashboards affected by this, created new story for that here: https://github.com/fabric8-ui/fabric8-ux/issues/791