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HTML/CSS: E-mail verification #799

Open catrobson opened 6 years ago

catrobson commented 6 years ago

HTML/CSS for a new pages for e-mail verification, that will check for a param verified=true and verified=false to the same URL. Based on the param the UI content in the page would be rendered as either False - verify the e-mail page: image

True - URL has already been used: image

Full wireframe set: https://github.com/fabric8-ui/fabric8-ux/issues/795

sbose78 commented 6 years ago
SMahil commented 6 years ago

This is the 'umbrella' task in Auth: https://github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth/issues/241

catrobson commented 6 years ago

@SMahil the wireframes are updated to reflect removal of the header and a few new style changes given that and wanting to align with other full page designs we're doing. Still can be seen at https://redhat.invisionapp.com/share/U2F2YVAT5

mceledonia commented 6 years ago

@SMahil Images used in new design: emailverif_images.zip

Currently PNGs but I will work on getting SVGs for these as well.

SMahil commented 6 years ago

@mceledonia I got 404 for the zip file.

muruGanesan commented 6 years ago

@SMahil, @mceledonia, I am hoping that we are using PNG/SVG may be on the email screen. Just for my clarification, Are we not using font-awesome? https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&q=trophy

AdamJ commented 6 years ago

@muruGanesan @SMahil @mceledonia @catrobson just an FYI on icons (and I'll post this to chat), FontAwesome.com is for version 5.0 only. As we are only using 4.7, you will need to refer to https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/.

SMahil commented 6 years ago

@sbose78 @alexeykazakov PR for this task: https://github.com/fabric8-ui/fabric8-ui/pull/2538

catrobson commented 6 years ago

Build process is blocking this from being added to OSIO