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VISUALS: Loader for Che #868

Closed catrobson closed 6 years ago

catrobson commented 6 years ago

We have some change in the way we are going to load the IDE. Until now, the when user's workspace was started, we were displaying the IDE and in the IDE showing the loading of all the workspace's containers. Once all workspace's containers were ready, we let the user being able to interact with the file

With the new IDE that we are introducing, that will be a little bit different:

  1. The IDE is not be available upfront
  2. We have an intermediate step while the IDE is getting assembled (depending on plugins selection)
  3. We then start the IDE
  4. Once the IDE is ready, we display it and make it "available" for editing
  5. Workspace's containers are loaded in parallel (but that does not prevent the user to start interacting with its file for example)

I would think that this gives us an opportunity to make a really creative loader. know that this would be something low regarding your other priorities, but do you think it is something your team could help us to build?

@ashumilova and @slemeur can brainstorm with you on ideas for what we might want to do.

bdellasc commented 6 years ago

Located and reviewed the content and references from late February's meeting. Starting concept ideas now.

bdellasc commented 6 years ago

Moved to the openshift.io repository #2875