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DISCUSSION: Feasibility of the proposed flow for registration and queuing #916

Open lwrigh opened 6 years ago

lwrigh commented 6 years ago

Have a conversation with Dan, Dana, and Alexey about the feasibility of the registration and queuing flow. Figure out what needs to get done so it can be implemented.

lwrigh commented 6 years ago

Need to talk to the Openshift Online team for further discussion about the proposed registration flow for Openshift.io

catrobson commented 6 years ago

Summit goal will be to bring the user to the OpenShift registration application still. Post summit goal will be to match design intent from wireframes. @lwrigh can you post the wireframes to this story?

lwrigh commented 6 years ago

@catrobson Here are the current wireframes: https://redhat.invisionapp.com/share/XYG9H4DA5QK We can revisit them post summit.