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Wireframes: Designs for email verification status #920

Closed rohitkrai03 closed 6 years ago

rohitkrai03 commented 6 years ago

Related to https://github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth/issues/262

What is expected on profile overview page:

catrobson commented 6 years ago


As commented on https://github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth/issues/262 I don't agree that these actions should be raised to the user in the profile UI. It doesn't feel like we need a status or action on the user profile. If the user tries to navigate into OSIO with an unverified e-mail shouldn't we just redirect them to a verify your e-mail page?

alexeykazakov commented 6 years ago

@catrobson any comments to https://github.com/fabric8-services/fabric8-auth/issues/262#issuecomment-372743630 ?

rohitkrai03 commented 6 years ago
