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Design: Reaching or over quota experiences #932

Open catrobson opened 6 years ago

catrobson commented 6 years ago

STORY When a user is likely to, or has hit quota on OpenSHift.io, there is little to no information given to the user about this throughout OpenShift.io. Consider a full experience for how to display quota problems throughout the OpenShift.io

HISTORY APP CREATION We had a design to warn the user and not allow them to add more deployments (applications) here: https://redhat.invisionapp.com/share/PMDCE3G94

We didn't carry this feature into the launcher since it wasn't supported by the backend, but there is a desire to have this added back so we can help users understand when they are adding too much to their openshift.io instance.

PIPELINES Pipelines have a stage where the application is deployed to Staging environment or Production environment. It is thought that adding a new application should make it through the build pipeline without any issues, but these deployments steps may fail. More information is needed from QE and Development around how this works, and what points in the UI may help users understand the behaviors.

DEPLOYMENTS The users would get various warnings in the deployments page based on quota, but understanding whether these are given at the right time, with the right information to help the user come to resolution is unknown.

Work with @ldimaggi @maxandersen @joshuawilson @aslakknutsen @dgutride to capture full implications and experience improvements we can make throughout the system on this.


ldimaggi commented 6 years ago

Related to: https://github.com/openshiftio/openshift.io/issues/2629