fabric8io / fabric8-forge

Supports JBoss Forge plugins for the Fabric8 iPaaS along with using Forge as a REST service inside Fabric8 DevOps
Apache License 2.0
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make it easy to register new Archetype Catalog XML files on the fly via a ConfigMap #509

Open jstrachan opened 7 years ago

jstrachan commented 7 years ago

so that folks can dynamically add new archetypes to the fabric8-forge console.

Maybe fabric8-forge needs to watch ConfigMaps with a label and load them all in - then different ConfigMap resources could be for different archetype catalogs?

Then on the Create App -> Create New App -> Quickstart page, folks can then choose their custom archetype catalog in the combo box:

jstrachan commented 7 years ago


rawlingsj commented 7 years ago

Could we have a create 'new app creator' page that anyone could add an icon + base github repo + pipeline repo, that can be used to help people add any type / custom quickstarts?

jstrachan commented 7 years ago

yeah! We could make a slightly more generic flavor of the ipaas-quickstarts project that creates archetypes & a catalog for one or more projects. 'Adding a new project' would just add the git repo URL & name to some source file in the catalog builder project.

Though TBH I raised this issue initially as a way for folks to create ConfigMaps to publish additional archetype catalogs into forge - however they are created. Eg to add/remove existing archetype like Karaf or WF Swarm.

Though making it easier to create archetypes new too sounds good! ;)

rawlingsj commented 7 years ago

Ah I see - yeah that would be good too ;)

I can definitely see enterprise customers wanting greater control to add and especially remove existing archetypes.

gastaldi commented 7 years ago

That could be created as a Forge command in the existing addons and use the same backend 👍

jstrachan commented 7 years ago

@gastaldi agreed! I was thinking of a forge addon that could query different plugins (ConfigMaps on kubernetes or file system or whatever) to find dynamic archetype catalogs to add on the fly etc

gastaldi commented 7 years ago

Forge has the ArchetypeCatalogFactoryRegistry service which makes it easy to register new ArchetypeCatalogs

jstrachan commented 7 years ago

@gastaldi ah thanks! Yeah I was just thinking we'd have a simple addon which watches for labelled/annotated ConfigMaps and uses the ArchetypeCatalogFactoryRegistry to add/remove catalogs dynamically on the fly etc. We can then add a forge command so folks can add/remove them to a cluster (which would under the covers write to the ConfigMap