fabric8io / fabric8-installer

To install fabric8 into a Kubernetes, OpenShift or Atomic environment
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fabric8-installer\vagrant\kubernetes vagrant up fails #109

Open grantpullen opened 7 years ago

grantpullen commented 7 years ago

Hi there,

I have tried to get the vagrant image working on two Windows 10 machines using the Vagrant 1.8.5 and VirtualBox 5.1, with the vagrant kubernetes image to no avail

It looks like there may be two issues in the vagrant file

  1. A possible issue when starting kubernetes /usr/bin/start-kubernetes
  2. An issue with the dl/extraction of gofabric8 fabric8ins.txt

I have attached the log starting from vagrant up command...

davsclaus commented 7 years ago

I think I heard that some OS3 users with the CDK had issues with Vagrant 1.8.5. But downgrading to 1.8.4 works.