fabric8io / fabric8-ipaas

This repository contains the iPaaS related apps that can be run as part of the fabric8 platform on any OpenShift v3 and Kubernetes environment
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Support running apiman on SSL #274

Closed KurtStam closed 8 years ago

KurtStam commented 8 years ago

The Openshift console runs on HTTPS, so if we want to link to the apiman console then the apiman console needs to run under SSL.

KurtStam commented 8 years ago

Running Apiman on SSL

If you'd like to run apiman over SSL then first double check you have the following system parameters set correctly:


Now you can run:

mvn -Pssl clean compile

to generate a selfsigned certificate for hostname 'apiman-default.vagrant.f8', in the target/secret directory, and it adds it as a secret called 'apiman-keystore' in the current 'default' namespace.

Now to deploy apiman with SSL support you execute

mvn -Pssl -Pf8-local-deploy

which mounts the secrets in the /secret directory in the pod and Jetty will start up using the SslConnectionFactory, based to the system parameter 'APIMAN_SSL' being set to 'true'. See also the properties set in the maven 'ssl' profile

true The fabric8-maven-plugin aready creates a route but you want a passthrough route so run oc delete route apiman oc create route passthrough apiman --service apiman Now the apiman should run at https://apiman.vagrant.f8/apiman/apimanui
KurtStam commented 8 years ago
