fabric8io / fabric8-platform

Generates the distribution of the fabric8 microservices platform
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lets create a spring boot quickstart of a client which invokes a service #29

Open jstrachan opened 7 years ago

jstrachan commented 7 years ago

which we can then use to help demo service discovery, high availability, readiness checks etc like the @davsclaus demo he's done lately with 2 microservices

jstrachan commented 7 years ago

we could then use these quickstarts to show how folks could enable linkerd for client side discovery / circuit breakers / timeouts / auto-retries etc without code changes to the microservice

rossedman commented 7 years ago

@jstrachan I am very interested in this if it has been worked on

jstrachan commented 7 years ago

there's a bunch of spring boot quickstarts being developed here https://github.com/snowdrop/ in addition to the ones we've got in the fabric8 quickstarts organisation https://github.com/fabric8-quickstarts?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=spring-boot&type=&language=