fabric8io / fabric8

fabric8 is an open source microservices platform based on Docker, Kubernetes and Jenkins
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Apps - description for the apps is the same #4273

Closed davsclaus closed 8 years ago

davsclaus commented 9 years ago

Followed the guide and noticed on the apps page that the different app groups have more or less the same summary

screen shot 2015-06-20 at 11 38 47 am

davsclaus commented 9 years ago

Also wonder if we should not have a MQ app group or would people know its the iPaaS ?

davsclaus commented 9 years ago

whoa ipaas has a lot, its like the kitchen-sink more or less ;)

jstrachan commented 9 years ago

agreed, we need an MQ app too!

right now the icon / descriptions are a bit random. We need the fabric8:json goal to override the icon/description when apps are aggregated into a Template with a concrete description etc.

I noticed oc get templates shows the description too so we probably want to have a plain text version for the description metadata in the template

jstrachan commented 8 years ago

I've raised a separate issue for the MQ app: https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8/issues/4298