Open kastork opened 8 years ago
It looks like the console doesn't know about the kubernetes master. From the log above the line..
I'm pretty sure ws://api/v1/namespaces?watch=true&access_token
should have the ip of kubernetes api server
@gashcrumb is there anything else that you can see that explains what might be going on?
Yes, that last attempt, using the load balancer endpoint is wrong in different ways than the attempt using the api server. I wouldn't think the load balancer would be configured at all if that wasn't the intended way to access it. This might be a point of difference between AWS and Google k8.
didn't provide a log of the ws connection when using the api server endpoint, but if memory serves, the websocket request is a full url in that case (with the ip address)
Spun it all up again. This time I removed the LoadBalancer from the config. Then attempted access via the api server:
and the websocket requests look okay
Now I'm noticing something else -- the fabric8 service (both now and in the previous iteration where I used your json file unmodified), the IP field in the Kubernetes service dashboard shows blank for this service. It is also listed as being on port 80 only. Does it need to be on 443 as well?
I've managed to find the version that works on the AWS setup as I've described. It is console-kubernetes-
I also got a similar browser console log with you @kastork: as the solution, first set KUBERNETES_MASTER_URI environment variable for fabric8 replication controller, and added my domain as cors-allowed-origins flag variable for my kube-apiserver.
As the one remaning error, I am getting https://KUBERNETES_MASTER/oapi 404 (Not Found) error. Any ideas about that?
@kastork, just a note to say that I'd also love to see a Getting Started Guide for fabric8 on Kubernetes at AWS.
@kastork @timbunce seconded
@timbunce @kastork @lattwood great idea! Lets try do it...
There's some IRC chat history behind this. jrawlings (rawlingsj) suggested I raise this here.
This is vanilla kubernetes deployed on AWS with console-kubernetes 2.2.102 . I know your guides talk about Google Container Engine, so there might be tweaks to the k8 setup that are needed before this can work.
However please note that I've followed this approach before and gotten it to work without any contortions -- that effort took place back in Oct or Nov of 2015, and it used a console-kubernetes version that was close to (but not equal) 2.2.28 (AFAIK, teh 2.2.28 version was never actually in maven central.) It was also k8 1.1.0, not 1.1.3
My hope here is to get this type of thing working and then to contribute a guide for vanilla k8 on AWS. If fabric8 is "supposed to work" on vanilla kubernetes, then I think this use case should be considered a valid one.
My setup steps:
procedure provided here: I set up a master and two minion nodes.
Observe browser console:Also observe network activity in browser:
The pending status never changes.
Try accessing that way:
Web browser console: