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Cant run gogs from the console on vanilla kubernetes #5931

Open rawlingsj opened 8 years ago

rawlingsj commented 8 years ago

The gogs template creates an oauthclient as well as a new secret in a different namespace. When running the template from the UI on vanilla kubernetes the resource fails to apply the oauthclient as that is an openshift only resource, but it also doesnt apply the secret which is needed.

Assuming this is what's happening can we skip the failed oauthclient and still apply the remaining gogs resources?

gashcrumb commented 8 years ago

It seems like it ought to as the template page applies each object separately. But maybe there's an exception or error that happening, any indication from the javascript console?

rawlingsj commented 8 years ago

Actually yeah you're right, I assumed it was the oauthclient that was preventing as it appeared first in the list it but I've just double checked and it looks like there's a problem with the secret.

I just saw that the gogs RC cant start because its missing the gogs service account. I'll add that and see if it solves everything.

rawlingsj commented 8 years ago

Ok so adding the gogs SA means the pod runs but the secret still doesnt get created when running the app. @jstrachan @gashcrumb Wonder if its because there's parameters in the name and namespace?


gashcrumb commented 8 years ago

That should be happening too, we do a substitution on the json before we start applying objects. Can't recall how much logging happens, but maybe worth turning up the log in the console to debug (might also be a logger specifically for that template controller) to verify that the substitution does occur.

Also actually you could check the PUT/POST in the 'Network' tab, the object would be in the payload of the request the console is making.