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JVM console doesn't work on all environments #6289

Open jimmidyson opened 7 years ago

jimmidyson commented 7 years ago

We need to enable https for Jolokia everywhere to make both the fabric8 console & OpenShift console work together.

Currently hawtio-kubernetes uses plain http to connect to Jolokia which works fine with our quickstarts in their current state.

The OpenShift console requires Jolokia to be secured via https. Easy enough to do: just set env var AB_JOLOKIA_AUTH_OPENSHIFT=true for the container.

So we either have OpenShift console using openshift-jvm or fabric8 console using hawtio-kubernetes. Can we get both to work consistently, as well as ensuring this doesn't break on Kubernetes? I think we can just enable https without auth for Jolokia for Kubernetes?

Thoughts @rhuss @gashcrumb @jstrachan?

gashcrumb commented 7 years ago

Yeah, think we mostly just need to update the links used in hawtio-kubernetes to use HTTPS, they should already be using openshift-jvm, just not using an HTTPS URL most likely.

On Aug 26, 2016 6:38 AM, "Jimmi Dyson" notifications@github.com wrote:

We need to enable https for Jolokia everywhere to make both the fabric8 console & OpenShift console work together.

Currently hawtio-kubernetes uses plain http https://github.com/hawtio/hawtio-kubernetes/blame/8394445e96cf5c1c3231ff81567dde9e041288e3/plugins/kubernetes/ts/kubernetesModel.ts#L814 to connect to Jolokia which works fine with our quickstarts in their current state.

The OpenShift console requires Jolokia to be secured via https. Easy enough to do: just set env var AB_JOLOKIA_AUTH_OPENSHIFT=true for the container.

So we either have OpenShift console using openshift-jvm or fabric8 console using hawtio-kubernetes. Can we get both to work consistently, as well as ensuring this doesn't break on Kubernetes? I think we can just enable https without auth for Jolokia for Kubernetes?

Thoughts @rhuss https://github.com/rhuss @gashcrumb https://github.com/gashcrumb @jstrachan https://github.com/jstrachan?

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rawlingsj commented 7 years ago

Is this PR related? https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-console/pull/210

gashcrumb commented 7 years ago

I doubt it, I think for this one we just need to change the links that we generate in hawtio-kubernetes.

gashcrumb commented 7 years ago

but we should merge that one :-)

rawlingsj commented 7 years ago

ooh ok lets do that

rawlingsj commented 7 years ago


rawlingsj commented 7 years ago

helps if the merge comment was added to the PR :)

iscra commented 7 years ago

We seem to have this issue in the current release. The JMX console for messaging pods does not work (message-gateway and message-broker).

I have investigated the following:

Found workaround to modify deployment setting: AB_JOLOKIA_AUTH_OPENSHIFT=

shoaibjdev commented 7 years ago

Hi @iscra , Did you find any solution for JMX console for messaging pods? It's still not working. Any alternative solution?

iscra commented 6 years ago

Hi @shoaibjdev, the workaround with setting the env

There is also a pull request changing the defaults in the message broker: https://github.com/fabric8io/fabric8-ipaas/pull/517 (and fixing more issues)

ChadCorsentino commented 6 years ago

Hi @iscra thank you for the workaround! I was pulling hair trying to fix this issue.

ChadCorsentino commented 6 years ago

@iscra the message-broker and gateway work now, however, the amq karaf quickstart is having trouble syncing with those pods. Do you know what might be causing that issue?