fabric8io / ipaas-quickstarts

quickstarts for the fabric8 project
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spring-boot quickstarts do not work with jolokia jvm connect #956

Open davsclaus opened 9 years ago

davsclaus commented 9 years ago

deployed both the spring-boot-camel and cdi-camel quickstarts and only the latter works for the jvm connector in the web console.

I looks like the latter exposes a service that I guess jolokia needs

o^Cdavsclaus:~/workspace/fabric8-installer/vagrant/openshift (master)/$ oc get services
NAME                CLUSTER_IP       EXTERNAL_IP   PORT(S)                 SELECTOR                                                                                                        AGE
docker-registry    <none>        5000/TCP                docker-registry=default                                                                                         16m
fabric8        <none>        80/TCP                  component=console,project=console,provider=fabric8                                                              18m
kubernetes       <none>        443/TCP,53/UDP,53/TCP   <none>                                                                                                          18m
qs-java-camel-cdi   None             <none>        1/TCP                   component=quickstart-cdi-camel,container=java,group=quickstarts,project=quickstart-cdi-camel,provider=fabric8   1m
router       <none>        80/TCP,9101/TCP         router=router                                                                                                   17m
davsclaus:~/workspace/fabric8-installer/vagrant/openshift (master)/$ oc get pods
NAME                                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
docker-registry-1-w32x6              1/1       Running   0          16m
fabric8-jorao                        1/1       Running   0          18m
fluentd-elasticsearch-   1/1       Running   0          15m
quickstart-cdi-camel-5onjk           1/1       Running   0          2m
quickstart-springboot-camel-um7fu    1/1       Running   0          5m
router-1-w4j6c                       2/2       Running   0          17m
davsclaus:~/workspace/fabric8-installer/vagrant/openshift (master)/$ oc get routes
NAME                HOST/PORT                      PATH      SERVICE             LABELS             INSECURE POLICY   TLS TERMINATION
fabric8             fabric8.vagrant.f8                       fabric8             provider=fabric8
qs-java-camel-cdi   qs-java-camel-cdi.vagrant.f8             qs-java-camel-cdi
davsclaus:~/workspace/fabric8-installer/vagrant/openshift (master)/$
davsclaus commented 9 years ago

screen shot 2015-11-18 at 12 54 22 pm

davsclaus commented 9 years ago

okay so @rhuss says its the base image used by spring-boot that is different from the s2i based that recently have adjusted many of the quickstarts. So we are a bit in limbo a while until the dust settles a bit. then we will separate s2i from non-s2i so they are completely independent and s2i dont cause problems for us anymore.

dhirajsb commented 9 years ago

@davsclaus the problem is that product and upstream use the same S2I image scripts, which doesn't work if product requirements are different from upstream. So all that's needed (after the product release) is to have a proper product redhat branch for S2I images (instead of just the Dockerfile.rhel on the same master branch), so that upstream can work in a non-product environment.