fabric8io / osio-pipeline

DSL and utility functions in groovy for running Jenkins OSIO Pipeline
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make this library independent of osio constraints #130

Open hrishin opened 5 years ago

hrishin commented 5 years ago

In order to make this library work across any OpenShift cluster need to address the following issues:

hrishin commented 5 years ago
cd {
    // processing openshift template present in .openshiftio/application.yaml
    def resources = processTemplate(params: [
          RELEASE_VERSION: "1.0.${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"

    // performs an s2i build
    build resources: resources, env: environment(type:'build')
    // deploy to stage environment
    deploy resources: resources, env: environment(type:'stage')
    // wait for user to approve the promotion to "run" environment
    deploy resources: resources, env: environment(type:'run'), approval: 'manual'

This is one the possible way, pipeline can become independent. Where envionment API resolving complete name space.