fabriciocolombo / delphi-rest-client-api

A Delphi REST client API to consume REST services written in any programming language.
Apache License 2.0
380 stars 182 forks source link

Compile for android error #124

Open devzonetrack opened 5 years ago

devzonetrack commented 5 years ago

[DCC Error] superobject.pas(642): E2154 Type 'TSuperTableString' needs finalization - not allowed in variant record [DCC Error] superobject.pas(643): E2154 Type 'TSuperArray' needs finalization - not allowed in variant record

fabioxgn commented 5 years ago

@devzonetrack I guess this library is not compatible with Android, as it uses windows specific libraries as winhttp and wininet for connectivity. Even if you are able to compile it will most certainly not work.

You might want to use Delphi's REST Client as it is compatible with Android: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Tokyo/en/Tutorial:_Using_the_REST_Client_Library_to_Access_REST-based_Web_Services

devzonetrack commented 5 years ago

@fabioxgn, Thank for advice...