fabriciocolombo / delphi-rest-client-api

A Delphi REST client API to consume REST services written in any programming language.
Apache License 2.0
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On which Delphi version are you using rest client? #40

Closed RobertoSchneiders closed 9 years ago

RobertoSchneiders commented 9 years ago

The framework documentation don't make clear what versions are supported and maintained. I think we should specify this.

@fabriciocolombo was testing in a lot of versions, but, I don't think it will do it anymore.

The API was tested in Delphi 7, XE, XE2, XE3 and XE4. It is also compatible with Mac OSX and iOS.

I and the monde-sistemas team are maintaining the code for Delphi XE7 (Win32), but, we can't test for all other (unused) versions. So, I need to know what versions we will support and who can help with tests.

I don't know any continuous integration service for Delphi, so, I think we have to do it manually.

vonloxley commented 9 years ago

My company will be using XE5 for another year, so I can run tests against that.

RobertoSchneiders commented 9 years ago

Great @vonloxley :+1:

thomaserlang commented 9 years ago


fabriciocolombo commented 9 years ago

I am working with XE2, and i have currently installed D7, D2007, D2010, XE, XE3 and XE7. I would like to support only 2010 or later, because of new features like new RTTI and Attributes.

RobertoSchneiders commented 9 years ago

So, let's support only 2010+ versions. Any objections?

thomaserlang commented 9 years ago


czar20 commented 9 years ago

I have been using on XE5 - now I am trying install on XE8 - no good.

unit DbxJsonUtils;


uses SysUtils, DateUtils;

type {$I DelphiRest.inc}

{$IFDEF USE_GENERICS} TJsonAttribute = class(TCustomAttribute) private FName: string; public constructor Create(const AName: string); property Name: string read FName; end;

JsonName = class(TJsonAttribute); JsonDefault = class(TJsonAttribute); JsonISO8601 = class(TCustomAttribute); {$ENDIF}


Identifer expected but implementation found. Sorry I not clever enough to figure out what is wrong.

RobertoSchneiders commented 9 years ago

Probably the USE_GENERICS is not defined.

Try to add this to the line 117 of the DelphiRest.inc file

{$IFDEF VER290} // RAD Studio XE8

It should work. If it works, send us a pull request, ok?

czar20 commented 9 years ago

Yes that worked. I have never used GIT I am not sure how to do a pull request.

RobertoSchneiders commented 9 years ago

No problem @czar20, we will fix this.