Open monalisasaha79 opened 7 years ago
There is no official way as of now since the VideoElement is not supported on restoring. I think this can be done, it will not work on node, no idea if it will work on ie10
I have the same problem,Deserialization works without the video element.
I am now very urgent demand for this feature, there is no way to achieve it,Is there any way to achieve it
For the time being, I have achieved it like below.
for (let object of objects){ if (object.subtype == "video"){ delete object.src; this.canvas.add(new fabric.Image(this.player.nativeElement, object)); } if (object.subtype == "frame") this.canvas.add (new fabric.Rect(object)); if (object.subtype == "circle") this.canvas.add (new fabric.Circle(object)); if (object.subtype == "rect") this.canvas.add (new fabric.Rect(object)); if (object.subtype == "triangle") this.canvas.add (new fabric.Triangle(object)); if (object.subtype == "drawing") this.canvas.add (new fabric.Path(object.path, object)); if (object.subtype == "text") this.canvas.add (new fabric.Text(object.text, object)); }
Will wait for the release.
Maybe this solution I found on SO will work for you:
When originally loading the Video through the Image class you need to call..
fabric.util.requestAnimFrame(function render() { canvas.renderAll(); fabric.util.requestAnimFrame(render); }); order for it to render it as a video. I think that when the JSON is being load it is still treating it as an image file and not calling that said function. If there was a way to identify the type as video and not image then add this function to an if(type = video) statement then it could possibly work.
A work around to serialize and deserialize video Element using fabric
Hi, Why i cant display the video inside the canvas?
Here's my code
$(".fadeInUp a").click(function() { $(".fadeInUp .selected").removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); tool = $(this).attr('data-tool');
if (tool == 'video'){ video = new Video(canvas) } }); var Video = (function() { var rex = /[a-zA-Z0-9-_]{11}/, videoUrl = $('#input-url').val() === '' ? alert('Enter a valid Url'):$('#input-url').val(), videoId = videoUrl.match(rex), jsonUrl = '' + videoId + '?v=2&alt=json', embedUrl = '//' + videoId, embedCode = ''
//Get Views from JSON $.getJSON(jsonUrl, function (videoData) { var videoJson = JSON.stringify(videoData), vidJson = JSON.parse(videoJson), views =$statistics.viewCount; $('.views').text(views); }); //Embed Video $("#videoembed").html(embedCode); });
Also I'm having the same issue, I'm setting the video as background of canvas. it works for the first time when I add it. but while reloading the canvas from JSON, the background video doesn't rendering on canvas. please provide me some suggestions.
Hi, First of all Thank you very much for the awesome product. I have managed to play the video using the demo Then I store the canvas using following command: this.project.frames[] = this.canvas.toObject();, JSON.stringify(this.project)); Works Fine. No issue at all.
When I am loading the canvas from the JSON this.canvas.loadFromDatalessJSON(this.project.frames[eligibleFrame], this.canvas.renderAll.bind(this.canvas));
this.canvas.loadFromJSON(this.project.frames[eligibleFrame], this.canvas.renderAll.bind(this.canvas));
I am getting an error: Error loading file:///storage/20170113_122957.mp4
Deserialization works without the video element.
Is there any workaround to store the video element frame and the after load set the actual video element, like below?
if (object.get('type') == "image"){ object.setElement(this.player.nativeElement); this.canvas.renderAll(); object.setCoords(); }
Need help.
Thanks, Monalisa