Open qaywsx22 opened 3 years ago
The only implementation of svg textpath that works across firefox and chrome is the hardest one to replicate.
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Okay, I have made some progress on this one, while it works, there are some things I am having trouble getting right. pathSide right now only works in FF, so I don't know what to do with it. Also the size of the SVG, I have no idea how to accurately calculate it. Either way, here is my code:
My guess was that for fabric.Text we would not need tspan element in the SVG export. After getting rid of those, it was a simple solution. I am still not sure about the side effects of the following approach.
fabric.Text.prototype.toSVG = function (reviver) {
if (this.type === 'text') {
var noShadow = true,
textDecoration = this.getSvgTextDecoration(this);
var pathString = '';
this.path?.path.forEach(p => {
pathString += p.join(' ');
pathString += ', ';
return this._createBaseSVGMarkup(
this.path?.path ?
'<path id="textOnPathId" fill="none" stroke="none" d="',
'" />',
'\t\t<text xml:space="preserve" ',
(this.fontFamily ? 'font-family="' + this.fontFamily.replace(/"/g, '\'') + '" ' : ''),
(this.fontSize ? 'font-size="' + this.fontSize + '" ' : ''),
(this.fontStyle ? 'font-style="' + this.fontStyle + '" ' : ''),
(this.fontWeight ? 'font-weight="' + this.fontWeight + '" ' : ''),
(textDecoration ? 'text-decoration="' + textDecoration + '" ' : ''),
'style="', this.getSvgStyles(noShadow), '"', this.addPaintOrder(), ' >',
'<textPath side="',
'" href="#textOnPathId">',
'\t\t<text xml:space="preserve" ',
(this.fontFamily ? 'font-family="' + this.fontFamily.replace(/"/g, '\'') + '" ' : ''),
(this.fontSize ? 'font-size="' + this.fontSize + '" ' : ''),
(this.fontStyle ? 'font-style="' + this.fontStyle + '" ' : ''),
(this.fontWeight ? 'font-weight="' + this.fontWeight + '" ' : ''),
(textDecoration ? 'text-decoration="' + textDecoration + '" ' : ''),
'style="', this.getSvgStyles(noShadow), '"', this.addPaintOrder(), ' >',
{ reviver: reviver, noStyle: true, withShadow: true }
} else {
return this._createBaseSVGMarkup(
{ reviver: reviver, noStyle: true, withShadow: true }
great! textOnPathId
needs to be mixed with this.__uid in order to don't clash with multiple text on path on the same svg.
Also there is a common part of text code that we can reuse, right?
If you manage to get a single color, single path example working, open a PR. I m sure for styles and tSpan will be more complicated
facing same issue here
you can check using developer tool console with below command - Please add text and then run in console
canvas.loadFromJSON(canvas.toJSON(['p1', 'p0', 'p2', 'line','canvas']))
This command should add same components again
Hello! Is there any improvement on this?
Does this help? Used hoomanaskari's approach and some transformations. Need to think of a bounding rect or something to make it generalise
Added more parameters. side="right" will work on Firefox.
fabric.Text.prototype.toSVG = function (reviver) {
if (this.path) {
var noShadow = true,
textDecoration = this.getSvgTextDecoration(this);
var pathString = this.path?.path
.map(function (segment) {
return segment.join(" ");
.join(" ");
const id = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9);
return this._createBaseSVGMarkup(
? [
'<path id="textOnPath' + id + '" fill="none" stroke="none" d="',
'" />',
'<text xml:space="preserve" ',
? 'font-family="' + this.fontFamily.replace(/"/g, "'") + '" '
: "",
this.fontSize ? 'font-size="' + this.fontSize + '" ' : "",
this.fontStyle ? 'font-style="' + this.fontStyle + '" ' : "",
this.fontWeight ? 'font-weight="' + this.fontWeight + '" ' : "",
textDecoration ? 'text-decoration="' + textDecoration + '" ' : "",
" >\n",
'<textPath side="' + this.pathSide + '" ',
'startOffset="' + this.pathStartOffset + '" ',
'href="#textOnPath' + id + '" ',
'xlink:href="#textOnPath' + id + '"> ',
: [
'\t\t<text xml:space="preserve" ',
? 'font-family="' + this.fontFamily.replace(/"/g, "'") + '" '
: "",
this.fontSize ? 'font-size="' + this.fontSize + '" ' : "",
this.fontStyle ? 'font-style="' + this.fontStyle + '" ' : "",
this.fontWeight ? 'font-weight="' + this.fontWeight + '" ' : "",
textDecoration ? 'text-decoration="' + textDecoration + '" ' : "",
" >",
{ reviver: reviver, noStyle: true, withShadow: true }
} else {
return this._createBaseSVGMarkup(this._toSVG(), {
reviver: reviver,
noStyle: true,
withShadow: true,
Based on hoomanaskari's and mudassirali007's approaches - You might also add a function to reverse path direction.
This way we get a workaround for the unsupported "side" attribute (at least in chromium).
Besides, I added some conditions to translate fabric.js baseline alignment options to svg's dominant-basline
fabric.Text.prototype.toSVG = function (reviver) {
let fontFamily = this.fontFamily.replace(/"/g, "'");
let fontSize = this.fontSize;
let fontStyle = this.fontStyle;
let fontWeight = this.fontWeight;
let fill = this.fill;
if (this.path) {
let path = this.path;
let fillPath = path.fill ? path.fill : "none";
let strokePath = path.stroke ? path.stroke : "none";
let strokeWidth = path.strokeWidth ? path.strokeWidth : 0;
// get path length
let pathData = this.path.path;
let pathInfo = fabric.util.getPathSegmentsInfo(pathData);
let pathLength = pathInfo[pathInfo.length - 1].length;
// reverse pathdata to emulate side="right"
if (this.pathSide === "right") {
// clone pathdata for reversing
pathData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pathData));
pathData = reversePathData(pathData);
// get pathdata d string
let d = pathData.flat().join(" ");
let id = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9);
let dominantbaseline = "auto";
let pathStartOffset = this.pathStartOffset;
let dy = 0;
// translate fabric.js baseline offsets to svg dominant baseline values
if (this.pathAlign === "center") {
dominantbaseline = "middle";
} else if (this.pathAlign === "baseline") {
dominantbaseline = "auto";
} else if (this.pathAlign === "ascender") {
dominantbaseline = "hanging";
} else if (this.pathAlign === "descender") {
dominantbaseline = "auto";
dy = (fontSize / 100) * -22;
let textAnchor = "start";
if (this.textAlign == "center") {
textAnchor = "middle";
pathStartOffset += pathLength / 2;
if (this.textAlign == "right") {
textAnchor = "end";
pathStartOffset += pathLength;
// append texpath to defs or as rendered element
let textPathEl;
if (
(fillPath && fillPath !== "none") ||
(!strokePath && strokePath !== "none")
) {
textPathEl = `<path id="textOnPath${id}" fill="${fillPath}" stroke="${strokePath}" stroke-width="${strokeWidth}" d="${d}" />`;
} else {
textPathEl = `<defs>
<path id="textOnPath${id}" d="${d}" />
return this._createBaseSVGMarkup(
? [
font-family="${fontFamily.replace(/"/g, "'")}"
<textPath text-anchor="${textAnchor}"
<tspan dy="${dy}">${this.text}</tspan>
: [
{ reviver: reviver, noStyle: true, withShadow: true }
} else {
return this._createBaseSVGMarkup(this._toSVG(), {
reviver: reviver,
noStyle: true,
withShadow: true
* Reverse pathdata
function reversePathData(pathData) {
// start compiling new path data
let pathDataNew = [];
// helper to rearrange control points for all command types
const reverseControlPoints = (values) => {
let controlPoints = [];
let endPoint = [];
for (let p = 0; p < values.length; p += 2) {
controlPoints.push([values[p], values[p + 1]]);
endPoint = controlPoints.pop();
return [controlPoints, endPoint];
let closed =
pathData[pathData.length - 1][0].toLowerCase() === "z" ? true : false;
if (closed) {
// add lineto closing space between Z and M
pathData = addClosePathLineto(pathData);
// remove Z closepath
// define last point as new M if path isn't closed
let valuesLast = pathData[pathData.length - 1];
let valuesLastL = valuesLast.length;
let M = closed
? pathData[0]
: ["M", valuesLast[valuesLastL - 2], valuesLast[valuesLastL - 1]];
// starting M stays the same – unless the path is not closed
// reverse path data command order for processing
for (let i = 1; i < pathData.length; i++) {
let com = pathData[i];
let values = com.slice(1);
let comPrev = pathData[i - 1];
let typePrev = comPrev[0];
let valuesPrev = comPrev.slice(1);
// get reversed control points and new end coordinates
let [controlPointsPrev, endPointsPrev] = reverseControlPoints(valuesPrev);
let [controlPoints, endPoints] = reverseControlPoints(values);
// create new path data
let newValues = [];
newValues = controlPointsPrev.flat().concat(endPoints);
pathDataNew.push([typePrev, ...newValues]);
// add previously removed Z close path
if (closed) {
return pathDataNew;
* Add closing lineto:
* needed for path reversing or adding points
function addClosePathLineto(pathData) {
let pathDataL = pathData.length;
let closed = pathData[pathDataL - 1][0] === "Z";
let M = pathData[0];
let [x0, y0] = [M[1], M[2]];
let lastCom = closed ? pathData[pathDataL - 2] : pathData[pathDataL - 1];
let lastComL = lastCom.length;
let [xE, yE] = [lastCom[lastComL - 2], lastCom[lastComL - 1]];
if (closed && (x0 !== xE || y0 !== yE)) {
pathData.push(["L", x0, y0], ["Z"]);
return path;
See codepen example
@herrstrietzel pretty good! but I don't know why if I change the path the svg is weird (not at the good place). For example with this : M 75 0 A 10 10 0 0 1 75 -150 A 1 1 0 0 1 75 0 Z Have you a idea ?
@Clemweb have you found a solution to this? facing the same problem, any different path get's posicioned wrong on the export
@herrstrietzel, @Clemweb: sorry for the late response.
See new codepen example
Not sure, but I added a cropping/repositioning function so off-viewBox paths get aligned to x/y=0 origin point
Hello, an export a text on path to SVG is not working. Test case: