fabro66 / GAST-Net-3DPoseEstimation

A Graph Attention Spatio-temporal Convolutional Networks for 3D Human Pose Estimation in Video (GAST-Net)
MIT License
312 stars 70 forks source link

Live demo #34

Closed vkmavani closed 3 years ago

vkmavani commented 3 years ago

Thank you... How to use this for live Pose-Estimation?

fabro66 commented 3 years ago

We use pyqtgraph for live pose estimation. You can implement the real-time pose estimation according to the following demo of pyqtgraph.

pyqtgraph demo
vkmavani commented 3 years ago

Can you provide me source code for that?

fabro66 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the interest. Sorry, we do not plan to release the real-time estimation code.