fabro66 / GAST-Net-3DPoseEstimation

A Graph Attention Spatio-temporal Convolutional Networks for 3D Human Pose Estimation in Video (GAST-Net)
MIT License
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visualize custom npz #41

Open mrclasalvia opened 3 years ago

mrclasalvia commented 3 years ago

Hi! Is there a way to visualize an npz organized as in VideoPose3D? I would like to render a video, with overlay and two other subplots where one should be a groundtruth and the other an estimation. However, none of these is present inside the training dataset but are custom videos which I processed according VideoPose3D method. I want to use the npz resulting from videopose3d as a groundtruth and another npz as the estimation which I retrieved in another way but structured accordingly.
