Open h0lg opened 8 months ago
@h0lg Thank you very much for your PR. It's looking very good. Sorry for the wait, I was quite busy lately.
Would you have an example where Cmd.bufferedThrottle
would be useful compared to Cmd.debounce
I feel like they are doing more or less similar in that it dispatches only the last message in a given interval.
Would you have an example where
would be useful compared toCmd.debounce
. I feel like they are doing more or less similar in that it dispatches only the last message in a given interval.
Sure, please have a closer look at above example. It uses Cmd.bufferedThrottle
to continuously dispatch the most recent progress event at a max. rate of 100ms (dropping some like Cmd.throttle
would do) while also making sure the last progress update is dispatched (kind of like Cmd.debounce
A progress is a good example for a buffered throttle because if you want to throttle the dispatch, you don't want to risk losing the last update that completes the progress to regular throttling, which by default doesn't guarantee this.
I've tried to describe this here:
Feel free to suggest a better name for the concept. Maybe rateLimitedStack
, throttledStack
or lastThrottled
I found this visualization helpful to grasp the difference between throttle and debounce:
I've added a batchedThrottle
variant that throttles the dispatch while returning the pending values in a list message.
type Msg = | Batch of int list // enables batching values of the same type for dispatch
// a factory that batches and dispatches the pending values every 100 ms; takes a value and produces a Cmd
// declare per program or long running background task
let createThrottledMsgBatchCmd = batchedThrottle 100 (fun values ->
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("dispatching a batch of values to the MVU loop " + values.ToString())
Batch values)
// an optional wrapper for usage inside of Cmd.ofEffect giving the factory function a dispatch signature
let dispatchToThrottledFactory value =
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("dispatching a single value to the throttled batch factory " + value.ToString())
createThrottledMsgBatchCmd value |> List.iter (fun effect -> effect dispatch) // make the MVU dispatch available to the returned command
produceIntegersFast dispatchToThrottledFactory // prevents this function from spamming the MVU loop
I've added a second return value to Cmd.batchedThrottle
that allows waiting for the next dispatch to make sure dispatch has completed from outside of the factory method.
let createCmd, awaitNextDispatch = Cmd.batchedThrottle 100 NewValues
... some awaited (!) producers using createCmd ...
// wait until next dispatch plus a little optional buffer to avoid race conditions
let! _ = awaitNextDispatch (Some(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10)))
// I can be sure now all messages have been dispatched
What do you think about this pattern? Cmd.debounce
and Cmd.bufferedThrottle
could benefit from a similar mechanism.
In the latest iteration I've rewritten Cmd.batchedThrottle
to be a Dispatch
extension - because I found it awkward how the Cmd
method forced me to iterate the contained effects to make the dispatch
available to them. See the |> List.iter (fun effect -> effect dispatch)
This version, dispatch.batchThrottled
, I found to fit more naturally in my scenario, which is a rapidly producing and progress reporting IAsyncEnumerable<'value>
on a background task , i.e. with dispatch
I can for example write extensions like
type AsyncEnumerableExtensions =
static member dispatchTo((this: System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable<'result>), (dispatch: 'result -> unit)) =
async {
let results = this.GetAsyncEnumerator()
let rec dispatchResults () =
async {
let! hasNext = results.MoveNextAsync().AsTask() |> Async.AwaitTask
if hasNext then
results.Current |> dispatch
do! dispatchResults ()
do! dispatchResults ()
static member dispatchBatchThrottledTo
(this: System.Collections.Generic.IAsyncEnumerable<'result>),
(mapPendingResultsToBatchMsg: 'result list -> 'msg),
(dispatch: 'msg -> unit)
) =
async {
// create a throttled dispatch of a batch of pending results at regular intervals
let dispatchSingleResult, awaitNextDispatch =
dispatch.batchThrottled (throttleInterval, mapPendingResultsToBatchMsg)
do! this.dispatchTo dispatchSingleResult // dispatch single results using throttled method
do! awaitNextDispatch (Some throttleInterval) // to make sure all results are dispatched before calling it done
and then throttle the progress reporting as well as the result dispatch effectively:
type Msg
| SearchProgressReports of BatchProgress list
| SearchResults of SearchResult list
| SearchCompleted
let private searchCmd model =
fun dispatch ->
async {
let command = mapToSearchCommand model
let dispatchProgress, awaitNextProgressDispatch = dispatch.batchThrottled(100, SearchProgressReports)
let reporter = Progress<BatchProgress>(dispatchProgress)
use cts = new CancellationTokenSource()
do! searchAsync(command, reporter, cts.Token).dispatchBatchThrottledTo (100, SearchResults, dispatch)
do! awaitNextProgressDispatch (Some 100) // to make sure all progresses are dispatched before calling it done
dispatch SearchCompleted
} |> Async.StartImmediate
|> Cmd.ofEffect
Whether - and if, in what form - you want this in Fabulous is up to you. But I found it this helpful to prevent the MVU loop from choking up when feeding too many messages into it too rapidly.
The throttling methods are intended for stuff like throttling
updates from background tasks like the following search does while yielding results from anIAsyncEnumerable
:I'm a Fabulous and F# freshie, so please have a good hard look at my changes and above intended use case. Feel free to point out anything that looks weird or cumbersome to you - I'm here to learn :)