Closed Happypig375 closed 4 years ago
I guess the build issue is linked to the missing Xamarin.Android.FSharp.targets
I don't use Shell, and I haven't noticed anything wrong with my app yet.
Why is Mac build failing?
From the build logs:
This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is ../packages/Xamarin.AndroidX.MultiDex.2.0.1/build/monoandroid90/Xamarin.AndroidX.MultiDex.targets.
/azp run full build
I can't figure out why this is failing. The package list should be correct.
I missed that the import of NuGet.targets was removed. So Android weren't restoring its packages.
But now, it is complaining about resource style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog (aka com.companyname:style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog) not found.
/azp run full build
Yeah, sorry for that. Azure DevOps is restrictive on that.
/azp run full build
This commit should be it. Having that property set to true actually makes Visual Studio set TargetFramework to v9.0 and TargetAndroidSDK to 28 instead of 29.
Hmm. Is it because MSBuild picks the wrong version of the Android Build tools?
MonoAndroid Tools: /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.Android.framework/Libraries/xbuild/Xamarin/Android/
Android Platform API level: 29
TargetFrameworkVersion: v10.0
Android NDK: /Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle/
Android SDK: /Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/
Android SDK Build Tools: /Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/28.0.3/
Java SDK: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-8.jdk/Contents/Home/
Application Java class:
Should be. The template executes fine locally.
It doesn't seem to be that. Let's try bumping Mono to the latest version.
@TimLariviere Can you verify that the template executes successfully locally? It does on my side.
I have indeed the same issue locally. I'm investigating why.
/azp run full build
/azp run full build
/azp run full build
/azp run full build
Ok. Seems like it was an issue with the NuGet restore process.
I removed the .nuget
folder and manually ran nuget restore
before building the templates.
NuGet.targets was an old way of restoring packages and I finally managed to get rid of it.
/azp run full build
/azp run full build
The pull request I mentioned at