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Add CreateCode to allow customizing type instantiation #837

Closed Dolfik1 closed 3 years ago

Dolfik1 commented 3 years ago

Continuing the discussion, I added parameter to code generator which allows to instantiate types with parameters.

image image image

There are two unresolved issues at the moment:

  1. We should always add constructorParameters key to each type (it cannot be inherited from the base type);
  2. We can not use it with Fabulous since Fabulous does not support custom parameters.


@TimLariviere you said in previous discussion about optional obj parameter in Create method. But as you can see on the screen there are unit -> 'T0 function only.

Dolfik1 commented 3 years ago

I think that this way to pass custom parameters to view`s constructor is wrong. I found out that in case of RecyclerView we need to pass some parameters from Fabulous DSL: RecyclerView recyclerView = new RecyclerView(new ContextThemeWrapper(context, R.style.ScrollbarRecyclerView)); (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3589929/how-to-set-androidscrollbars-vertical-programmatically)

In this case we need to pass R.style.ScrollbarRecyclerView from Fabulous DSL.

  theme = R.style.ScrollbarRecyclerView)

member x.Create(context: Android.Content.Context) =
  match theme with
  | Some theme ->
    new RecyclerView(new ContextThemeWrapper(context, theme))
  | _ ->
    new RecyclerView(context)
Dolfik1 commented 3 years ago

I added InstantiateType key to code generator. This allows you to set expression to instantiate the type.

/// The expression to instantiate type ({0} can be used to pass type name in expression)
member val InstantiateType: string option = None with get, set

A few examples:

"instantiateType": "new {0}(context)"
"instantiateType": "ViewHelpers.instantiateRecyclerView context theme"

This is not complete solution because we can not specify parameters in Create function. I think it should be root property in json config like outputNamespace or assemblies.

TimLariviere commented 3 years ago

@Dolfik1 Like last time, I did not have time to read thoroughly your changes. But I might have a few pointers that can help you:

If you need to customize the instantiation of a type (like with RecyclerView), you may be able to do like the updateCode attribute in the JSON file.


In the CodeGenerator step, CodeGen will check if the attribute is defined. If it's the case, it will simply call that function. Otherwise it will generate a "default" update code. I think you can reuse this logic for your instantiateType (createCode?) to provide your own implementation of the instantiation of a type.

And in the case you don't have defined createCode, you can make CodeGenerator to output a default new %s(context). Otherwise it would output %s viewElement additionalCtorData where %s is the function defined in the JSON file that would look like.

let createRecyclerView viewElement additionalCtorData =
    let context = match additionalCtorData with ?: AndroidCtorData as d -> d.Context | ...
    let theme = viewElement.TryGetAttributeKeyed(ViewAttributes.RecyclerViewTheme...)
    new RecyclerView(new ContextWrapper(context, theme))

Here's the place updateCode is used: https://github.com/fsprojects/Fabulous/blob/984ead5d9bd200f3de143adbcfba2ee79992b285/Fabulous.CodeGen/src/Fabulous.CodeGen/Generator/CodeGenerator.fs#L160-L204

The advantage of that is you don't need to specify anything for the majority of the controls.

Dolfik1 commented 3 years ago

I renamed InstantiateType to CreateCode.

At the moment we are forced to add the property CreateCode to each type. I think the best solution is add InheritCreateCode boolean property. This will allow reuse CreateCode in types inherited from base type.

TimLariviere commented 3 years ago

Read all the code, looks great!

At the moment we are forced to add the property CreateCode to each type. I think the best solution is add InheritCreateCode boolean property. This will allow reuse CreateCode in types inherited from base type.

The way I imagined it, CreateCode (just like UpdateCode) is really specific to a type and is there to override the generated code when the CodeGenerator step can't do it by itself.

If something needs to be applied to many types, I would redefine the part that generate Create%s() method inside CodeGenerator through the Program record so it can generate the correct code without having to set it in the mapping file. (might need to be a little more flexible in the Program record)

For example:

let result =
    |> Program.withGeneratorConfiguration (fun configuration ->
        { configuration with
             generateCreateMethod = FabulousAndroidGenerators.generateCreateMethod }
    |> Program.run options.MappingFile options.OutputFile

module FabulousAndroidGenerators

let generateCreateMethod (data: CreateData option) (w: StringWriter) =
    match data with
    | None -> w
    | Some data ->
        w.printfn "    static member Create%s (context: Android.Context) : %s =" data.Name data.FullName

        if data.TypeToInstantiate = data.FullName then
            w.printfn "        %s(context)" data.TypeToInstantiate
            w.printfn "        upcast (%s(context))" data.TypeToInstantiate

        w.printfn ""

This will make Fabulous.CodeGen call your FabulousAndroidGenerators.generateCreateMethod instead of the default CodeGenerator.generateCreateFunction.

So the way you wrote it now looks OK for me.

/// The expression to instantiate type ({0} can be used to pass type name in expression)

Continuing from what I was saying just now, I wouldn't even allow {0} in CreateCode since the creation code should be really last resort for when CodeGenerator can't do it by itself.

If you're ok with it, I think we can merge what you did so far (after fixing the unit tests, and removing {0}). We will continue the initial idea of adding ConstructorParameters in another PR.

Dolfik1 commented 3 years ago

If you're ok with it, I think we can merge what you did so far (after fixing the unit tests, and removing {0}). We will continue the initial idea of adding ConstructorParameters in another PR.

Thank you! I think we do not need {0} in CreateCode if we add generateCreateMethod. I will fix it later and make new MR with generateCreateMethod.