fac-13 / GP_ProjectBernadette

My Wayfinder - A React decision tree app to help carers understand jargon and find relevant resources more quickly.
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Learning #27

Open jennah2121 opened 6 years ago

jennah2121 commented 6 years ago

Decision trees D3 → https://bl.ocks.org/ajschumacher/65eda1df2b0dd2cf616f

Animating SVGs We can use this to animate the paths → https://css-tricks.com/svg-line-animation-works/

vlbee commented 6 years ago

Binary Tree traversal in JS https://khan4019.github.io/front-end-Interview-Questions/bst.html https://js-algorithms.tutorialhorizon.com/2015/10/12/create-a-binary-search-tree-in-javascript/ This looks very clear --> https://initjs.org/implement-a-binary-search-tree-in-javascript-952a44ee7c26

React Decision Tree example https://jsfiddle.net/ssorallen/XX8mw/

vlbee commented 6 years ago

react with express guide : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IR7vjcBJLSU

jennah2121 commented 6 years ago

Automatic smooth scroll We used this answer to figure out how to smooth scroll → https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37620694/how-to-scroll-to-bottom-in-react

Helpful for understanding refs → https://hackernoon.com/refs-in-react-all-you-need-to-know-fb9c9e2aeb81

vlbee commented 6 years ago

Express/React server - https://daveceddia.com/create-react-app-express-backend/ http://ericsowell.com/blog/2017/5/16/create-react-app-and-express