fac-15 / project-ideas

A repository of project ideas for the first round of FAC15 projects
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Tipple Tally #2

Open martinbagshaw opened 5 years ago

martinbagshaw commented 5 years ago



Describe the problem you'd like to solve

On occasion (especially during the festive season), I end up getting more drunk than I bargained for, and the older I get, the worse the hangovers get. They really can be unbearable these days.

I'd like to create an app that tallies up the drinks I've had over the course of an evening, and gives me a running estimation of the severity of the hangover I should expect. I feel that this will help common sense to prevail, no matter how invincible I may feel after a few drinks.

Who are the stakeholders?

Myself and anyone else who can't bear hangovers any more, but finds the booze more-ish. People who enjoy the health benefits of not having their next day be a total write off.

What is currently being done to solve this problem?

Erm... Self discipline? Avoiding sweet booze that goes down the trap too quickly. Remembering how bad the last hangover was, and acting accordingly.