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Excess Xmas #6

Open charlielafosse opened 5 years ago

charlielafosse commented 5 years ago



Describe the problem you'd like to solve

There are two problems around Christmas time that I think could be solved together:

  1. Unwanted, excess and wasteful gifts

  2. Disadvantaged people who don't receive any gifts

A recent Yougov poll showed that up to 60 million presents could be wasted this year, with the survey showing that over half of the people in the UK who celebrate Christmas receive at least one unwanted gift.

Who are the stakeholders?

A solution to these problems would benefit anyone whose circumstances mean that they feel alienated at Christmas time, eg. the homeless, those in social care, migrants, the elderly or anyone who feels lonely and isolated.

It would also benefit anyone who feels that they received gifts that they didn't really need!

Charities who aid in the redistribution of unwanted presents would also be stakeholders in this process.

What is currently being done to solve this problem?

I suppose that people will probably 'regift' their unwanted presents, (to friends or family who might also not want/need them!) or just sell them on ebay, Gumtree etc.

Various charities make appeals around Christmas time for the donation of unwanted gifts - but often they lack visibility, and the process is inefficient.

Perhaps a tech solution would help to connect specific gifts with the people who need them most.

Many people also ask that their friends and family donate to a particular charity instead of giving them presents - but this isn't common practice, and often people ignore this request and give gifts anyway.