fac-17 / NomNom

A web app to find and create weekly meal plans that use common ingredients in order to combat food waste
0 stars 3 forks source link

User testing #41

Open mkatenolan opened 4 years ago

mkatenolan commented 4 years ago


We used these questions as a starting point but most testing sessions turned into a conversation with some good feedback.

Do you have an idea of what this app does? (after viewing onboarding page) Do you know what Nom Nom means? If not what makes you think about? What is your feeling when you first see this page?(overwhelmend, interested, engaged, corious) Do you think there is enough or too much text? Do you have a clear idea of how you would you use it overall. Why/not? Do you know what the green label means? (nutrition tags) Do you know on first glance what the buttons do? Are you lacking any information you would need? How did you find the overall navigation of the app? Do you think there is something that you could understand better if changed?

mkatenolan commented 4 years ago

Female, 20s

Prefers the big button

Based on the number of days, i’d assume lunch AND dinner

Would be better to give number of meals

(Pick two recipes screen) Tries to swip up on recipe page (rather than tap top arrow)

How do i ‘select’ vs. ‘check out’ the recipe

“What’s the stars based on”

On the nutrition wheel “And this? Is it How healthy it is?”

Would be more helpful to have nutrition wheel on each meal. Not so bothered about the overall weekly healthiness…?

If you select the recipes based on the health then by the time i have the meal i’d already have an idea of how healthy it is.

Not sure how one would calculate the healthiness of multiple recipes combined…

confusing green wheel but only half

What do the buttons do? This one is to create a shopping list (hesitating). Assuming you can print this somewhere. Understands that you can email it to someone after tapping the button. Intuitively assumes it’s to send it to someone, rather than to yourself. It’d be nice to be able to print it.

“So it is one meal per day.”

Can you re-arrange the meals (between the days)? (there’s currently no way to rearrange this)

I feel like I would like to know the cooking time on each thing (on the meal plan page).

(Do you like the fact that you can see the ingredients?) I feel like other info would be more crucial - like the cooking time.

A bit confused when I get to this (list of all meal plans) page. (probably need a pop up saying “you’re plan has been created and added to the list - access it from here…” on to the list page)

A menu would be nice (to help with navigation issues such has the one below). Confused as to how you go back to create another meal plan once you’re in a meal plan (understands after going back to the list page)

Not convinced by the circles (“It’s brave” “Probably it would work”) You could be more economical if you had a different page because it fits well with those ones but if you add extra information on there (it will get too cramped). You’re losing a lot of the screen because they don’t fit with each other.

Replace “back” button to “go back to all meal plans” button - destination of the back button isn’t clear

Probably would want the calories as info For the stars, would be good to have the max rating

mkatenolan commented 4 years ago

Female, 20s

Onboarding It’s about food. there’s a direction. There should be more in the top left where i look first - but my eyes where drawn to the other side. Two recipes + two images makes sense. Not clear what the other images relate two. What kind of suggestions. A weekly plan of what?? shopping list?? exercise?? menu plan??

Clicking on 'create plan’ Confusing when the page pops up then disappears

Would expect three meals per day when selecting number of days… What if i’m not sure.

Expecting to be able to click on the whole input Allergies - need to be able pick several Strawberries

Pick two recipes What does the time refer two. Swipes up to close (same as Leonie!) How many stars is it out of (assuming it’s 3) Nice to see how many stars it’s out of.

Not sure how the nutrition wheel works. Is it meant to be a full circle - it’d be nice two

Title could be a bit bigger

No kitchenware area which is fine.

Vertical coming in / out much nicer than horizontal.

Pick three more I don’t know when any of these are. Is it going to be pancakes for lunch or breakfast?

I like the nutrition thing (once you understand and it)

It could be clearer that you get the list when you tap on the side.

It would be cool to be able to see the recipes you’ve already selected by tapping on them.

Meal plan page Confusing back button doesn’t actually take you back.

Would be interested to see other people’s plans for inspiration but not necessarily a priority. Not integral.

Not bothered about the shopping list button / email button at first > doesn’t realise it’s essential feature.

Maybe not worth having salt, etc

In the email would hope to have full ingredients / shopping list.

mkatenolan commented 4 years ago

Male, late teen

Onboarding page: “Yes, BUT…!”- confused about the circle, thought they are bottons and they could be clicked. And if clicked they take you to a different page. What do you prefer? Botton or rectangle at the end of the page? Rectangle

He can easily understand the text on the onboaerdin page.

2nd page: Not big fun of circle, he suggested square and asked if we did consider to use them instead.

‘Is not that I dislike them but I am not used to’

3rd page: When I click on the recipes image I would expect to select it instead of getting a view of the recipies. Generally on app when you click somthing or you old it for long time you do select them automaticly.

if the onclick function is different from selection then I definetly think you shoul use 2different bottons and make it clear.

‘CAN I ACTUALLY SELECT INGREDIENTS ON THIS APP?, I would think I can be able to select some ingredients because this is the way most apps work. So maybe making it very clear?’

‘Maybe you could change the text and make it clear there, or maybe even thinking about an onboarding page with multiple steps where you need to swipe to visualise them’

What do you think about circles in general? ‘I am not a big fun, if you have to use them I would like to see them displayed on a grid and keep an even number’- no odd number of recipes or asymmetric layout.

Spring time table: ‘Not sure about what stars are for and don’ t really understand the nutrition thing’ ‘I would like to be able to go back to all plans’

Need a botton to go back to home page

Overall: good concept and display extra info is a plus

mkatenolan commented 4 years ago

Male, 20s

not enough info to know what the app is doing Not sure, doesn’t get how it works Don’t know what my plan is about Don’t know what my week lunches is about Likes the nutrition circles, need to be bigger. need time to make on recipes page Swipe to get to get from ingredients to steps More filtering on recipe select confused, not clear, Need to show common ingredients Basket icon instead of arrow for currently selected meals Meal plan

This is the overall weekly calories, how many fruit and veg Integration with buying online Barrier to me getting all my food because this just what I do in the shop Haven’t got the concept that it’s saving my food

mkatenolan commented 4 years ago

Male, 20s

circle on the first page I would expect to click on them prefer larga botton I understand I need to pick uo two recipes but I thought it would give me the ingredients Not sure what the stars are for ? Not understanding if 3 starts are good or bad I don’t understand I need to click on see the recipes (select 3 recipes page)not clear how to select home bar to got back

mkatenolan commented 4 years ago

Male, 20s

Is it number of user ratings? Info button on recipes? Meal plan stars make clear what are ‘x number of users have voted’ Get directed to all plans as first time user