fac-17 / user-manuals

FAC#17 User Manuals :memo:
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@xIrusux #11

Open teenie-quaggard opened 5 years ago

teenie-quaggard commented 5 years ago


Your-Name-Here (your-pronouns-here)

How I get my best work done:

The role I usually take in a team:

My communication style:

What I value:

What people misunderstand about me:

How I like to get my feedback:

Technical strengths & weaknesses:

Interests (programming or otherwise!):

xIrusux commented 5 years ago

Christine Altmann (her/she)

How I get my best work done: When I work on something please dont tell me all the solutions straight away unless I ask for them - then please dooo :)

I always like to know all the details so I love researching and asking questions.

I really enjoy exploring ideas and "code inspiration", even if it is sometimes unlikely that we will use it, I learn a lot that way.

The role I usually take in a team: Planner, Detail focused, Bubbly,

My communication style: open and direct, exciteable, fairly hard to offend

What I value: Someone to tell me to snap out of it when I hit a spiral and am not getting anywhere.

What people misunderstand about me: When I get frustrated or really consumed in a topic that I have to figure out my determination can turn into something less positive ;)

How I like to get my feedback: Everyone telling me how they would best work with me. Giving feedback in the moment and on the spot. That way a tiny problem never gets the chance to boil up to a big issue. This is also how I approach giving feedback :).

Technical strengths & weaknesses: Strength: Good industry understanding (which comes from managing web development projects in my last job)

Weakness: Bad general computer knowledge - (don't ask me when your linux breaks)

Interests (programming or otherwise!): Rock climbing, Plants, Food, Drinks