fac-17 / user-manuals

FAC#17 User Manuals :memo:
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@crianonim #14

Open teenie-quaggard opened 5 years ago

teenie-quaggard commented 5 years ago


Jan (he)

How I get my best work done:

under slight pressure but in an agreeable environment

The role I usually take in a team:

adviser to the team (I'm better thinking about different technical options than picking one)

My communication style:

In person: I'm chatty to say the least, just interrupt me, I don't mind Slap me when still I talk over other people (I improved though)

Digital: not too formal, but I struggle with emoji, and please read the whole message before sending

I do find occasional confrontation to be useful, don't take them personal. It is a way clear the atmosphere for me, but I understand it's not so easy for everyone.

What I value:

honesty, being considerate, being humble

What people misunderstand about me:

Under the guise of arrogance there is a real wish to help, I promise I'll learn to communicate it better. I am not more intelligent than anyone, I am older and just spent my whole life playing with coding, therefore I might know more in various spheres of technology.

How I like to get my feedback:

in small chunks, written is good as I can refer to it later

Technical strengths & weaknesses:



Interests (programming or otherwise!):

gminova commented 5 years ago

read on 11/09/19 :+1: