fac-23 / final-project-ideas

Have a think about what might be a good group project for week 7-9 of FAC23 and add the idea to a github issue using the final-template-ideas issue template
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Plant/ water/ tracker based pun #6

Open julietteorpen opened 2 years ago

julietteorpen commented 2 years ago


I haven't got a solid name yet but it will be some kind of plant/ water based pun

Describe the problem you'd like to solve

As someone who owns a lot of houseplants, I would love a reminder to water them. I know I'm not the only one who struggles to water them the right amount. It would be great to have an app where I could store a list of the plants I own and that would track when I had last watered them and when I should next water them. The app would include some kind of calendar and send the users scheduled reminders

Who are the stakeholders?

Anyone who owns a houseplant and would like help with it's watering schedule 🚰

Other considerations

The app could send seasonal reminders, e.g. suggestion in the spring to repot the plants or take cuttings?

What is currently being done to solve this problem?

I haven' thad a chance to explore this yet...

What technology might be interesting to explore?

reubengt commented 2 years ago

the anticipation for the pun is real

paologhidoni commented 2 years ago

I could be a user, I'm tired of killing plants 😅