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FAC19 Student Project Ideas :bulb:
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Focused rote learning e.g. better times tables #6

Open Roger-Heathcote opened 4 years ago

Roger-Heathcote commented 4 years ago

Name Roger

Describe the problem you'd like to solve My kids have to learn a large number of things by rote at school right now. The big one is their times tables. Right now there are a large number of aids to this learning available but none of them help the kids identify which particular bits of information they are struggling with and help them focus on those.

Who are the stakeholders? Anyone who needs to learn a fixed set of information, but in particular primary school kids and teachers.

What is currently being done to solve this problem? As far as I can see nothing. It is purely down to the teachers to identify problem areas and help the kids focus on them. In practice teachers are busy and this often doesn't happen, they don't have time to tailor exercise plans and homework for each pupil. Technology should be able to help here but sadly I don't see any evidence of it.

The times tables apps that are in use are all very simple and not targeted to individual needs in any way. They just ask a series of questions with no focus at all. The kids then waste lots of time answering questions they do know the answer to, fail on ones they don't know the answer to and then come away still not knowing the answers. There is no follow up or learning based on the results. To me that seems like that a huge waste. I think rote learning apps should identify weak spots and focus on them.

VatsKan commented 4 years ago

hi Rog...this sounds cool...may be related to the issue I raised on self-study :)