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Chloe's User Manual #12

Open Chloeh24 opened 4 years ago

Chloeh24 commented 4 years ago

Chloe (she/her)

How I get my best work done:

The role I usually take in a team:

Usually I prefer to let others take a leading role in the team and but am happy to step up if needed.

My communication style:

I'm pretty relaxed but like to keep updated in a team to make sure we're all on the same page

Myers-Briggs Personality ESFJ - someone who is energized by spending time with others (Extraverted), who focuses on facts rather than ideas (Sensing), who makes decisions based on feelings and values (Feeling) and who prefers to be planned and organized rather than spontaneous (Judging). ESFJs are sometimes referred to as Provider personalities because of their interest in taking care of others in practical ways.

What I value:

What people misunderstand about me:

I ask a lot of questions and it can sometimes sound aggressive or like an interrogation but that's only because I'm trying to get things clear in my mind.

I also tend to interrupt with (what I think are) funny comments, apologies in advance if a) you don't think they're funny and b) if it gets annoying :sweat_smile:

How I like to get my feedback:

I'd like people to be completely honest with me if they disagree with something I'm doing but also offer constructive feedback on how to improve.

Technical strengths & weaknesses:

CSS :+1: Object algorithms :-1:

Interests (programming or otherwise!):

Reading books and listening to podcasts (Human Brain and Note to Self are my fav) I love relaxed social games like pub quizzes, board games and Dungeons and Dragons

jackherizsmith commented 4 years ago

I really enjoyed working with Chloe, she is always happy to add her great ideas on defining and solving problems. I really valued her ability to step back and see the big picture, and also her patience in explaining something to me that I just wasn't getting. Also I'm in awe of her quizmaster skillz.

hannahgooding commented 4 years ago

In group projects, Chloe takes initiative and just gets things done without having to say anything. She's super honest when she doesn't understand something, which encourages the team to go through things methodically. Equally, she's always willing to break things down and explain things clearly to others. She's also great at leading quizzes, so I imagine she makes a great Scrum Master but I haven't experienced that yet. When I've worked with Chloe I've always had a giggle and a lovely chat, and she brightens up my day 🥰😇. But, of course, I'm just saying all this nice stuff because Chloe and I are actually two people with the same brain 🧠

glrta commented 4 years ago

Chloe is that type of person that you want to have in your team. Good listener, considerate of others, and at the same time, she manages to keep to the point and keep things moving. She isn't afraid of taking the initiative (even when forced into it :eyes:) and is always open/clear about what she thinks. Her honesty when unsure of something is inspiring.

Roger-Heathcote commented 4 years ago

I love working with Chloe. She has a positive, unflappable demeanour that is particularly welcome when the pressure is on. She is very organised and often has something done before the need for it occurs to everyone else. In terms of programming she is eager to explore new things and she is a fast learner, always writing clear and concise code. 10/10 would work with any time.