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Jihyun's user manual #14

Open Jihyun-Jang opened 4 years ago

Jihyun-Jang commented 4 years ago

Jihyun Jang (She/Her)

How I get my best work done:

I like to have a clear blueprint before I start working on a project. I try many different ways to get the best result.

The role I usually take in a team:

I am not 'born to be a leader' kind of person. But when my team doesn't know where to go, I am always ready to lead my team to the goal!

My communication style:

I am a good listener. People feel comfortable when they talk to me. I always try to say anything clearly. I don't like when people say something vaguely or unclearly.

What I value:

What people misunderstand about me:

When I am not saying anything, some people think that I am angry. But it's not true!

How I like to get my feedback:

Directly and objectively, but not too much in a negative way.

Technical strengths & weaknesses:

Not clear at this point. I would like to make React and Node.js as my strengths. And I don't like testing and authentication.

Interests (programming or otherwise!):

fairyaksh commented 4 years ago

Jihyun has a very admirable work ethic and mindset, so whenever I'm in a team with her I can be sure that we'll always be guided in the right direction! I always learn new things when working with her because Jihyun's way of thinking helps me to take a step back and look at the bigger picture of the project, rather than worrying about each component on its own. 💘

mhtien commented 4 years ago

It was a real pleasure working with Jihyun, she is calm and collected and this really brings the stress levels down when we pair programmed. She is logical in her thinking and very funny as well! 😄

ephieo commented 4 years ago

Jihyun is a very good addition to any team, she brings a level headed and supportive approach to any problem. It's always a pleasure to be paired with Jihyun, she's funny, calm, collected and highly capable.