How to say my name (Sign up and record your name, then share the link here)
My pronouns are: He, Him
How I get my best work done:
I like to work in bursts and take regular breaks to stretch my legs and give my mind a chance to clear. I like to work with minimal noise or with lo-fi music playing. I need to try and minimise distractions. I find it hard to concentrate if hungry so like to ensure meals and snacks are plentiful!
The role I usually take in a team:
I like to help collaboration and facilitate conversation on teams that I work on.
I find it useful to be in a planning role so we can figure out how we will solve the problem together.
My communication style:
Is open and honest and tries to be inclusive to ensure everyone on the team can contribute.
What I value:
Honesty and open communication.
What people misunderstand about me:
My name (will add the link soon!
How I like to get my feedback:
I am open to discussing with colleagues as issues may arise and hopefully solving any mis understandings.
Technical strengths & weaknesses:
This is a work in progress, maybe more weaknesses than strengths on my induction day to FAC!
Interests (programming or otherwise!):
Boardgames, food, gigs, spending times with friends and family, travel and running.
My name is Fearghal
My name is pronounced like Fer-gul
How to say my name (Sign up and record your name, then share the link here)
My pronouns are: He, Him
How I get my best work done:
I like to work in bursts and take regular breaks to stretch my legs and give my mind a chance to clear. I like to work with minimal noise or with lo-fi music playing. I need to try and minimise distractions. I find it hard to concentrate if hungry so like to ensure meals and snacks are plentiful!
The role I usually take in a team:
I like to help collaboration and facilitate conversation on teams that I work on. I find it useful to be in a planning role so we can figure out how we will solve the problem together.
My communication style:
Is open and honest and tries to be inclusive to ensure everyone on the team can contribute.
What I value:
Honesty and open communication.
What people misunderstand about me:
My name (will add the link soon!
How I like to get my feedback:
I am open to discussing with colleagues as issues may arise and hopefully solving any mis understandings.
Technical strengths & weaknesses:
This is a work in progress, maybe more weaknesses than strengths on my induction day to FAC!
Interests (programming or otherwise!):
Boardgames, food, gigs, spending times with friends and family, travel and running.