fac30 / User-Manuals

Use as template for writing about yourself and how you work with others
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Khalos Calogero Filho Mocato #13

Open khalosmoscato opened 1 month ago

khalosmoscato commented 1 month ago

Khalos Calogero Filho Moscato


How I get my best work done: I like to learn new things constantly, to keep me always engaged, as well as going back to past topics and see if I remember them correctly. I am a (not so bad) perfectionists and I do enjoy being as knowledgable as possible about my job, career, life in general, etc..

The role I usually take in a team: it depends on the subject, if I have a better understanding of the subject I would help my team going forward, if the opposite situation I do my best to learn new skills and improve myself.

My communication style: I like an assertive communication style where I can talk about my opinions and my team would acknowledge them, even if they have a different one, and they can freely share theirs so that we can have a good balance.

What I value: Mine and my team mental health, and that we all put effort in our projects to make it as good as we can.

What people misunderstand about me: I do not have an answer to this at the moment, but it could change in the next few weeks.

How I like to get my feedback: Either way, I am very good at getting feedback and learning from it.

Technical strengths & weaknesses: I am good at problem solving, if I do not have the answer I will use all the resources I can to find a solution (Google, YT, AI, friends or colleagues help).

Interests (programming or otherwise!): I like video games, I like music and art, my hobby is playing on the piano. I like keeping healthy, gym, swimming. I would love to be able to create new software with my team that can be useful to someone.