fac30 / User-Manuals

Use as template for writing about yourself and how you work with others
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Levi #4

Open rogers7levi opened 1 month ago

rogers7levi commented 1 month ago

Levi Rogers


How I get my best work done:

Once conffering with my team, maybe after stand up, I like to just get into it.

The role I usually take in a team:

DevOps - important because that's what my apprenticeship is in.

My communication style:

Clear and concise, but also reading the room.

What I value:

Time to figure something out.

What people misunderstand about me:

I feel like I give off the vibe that I just want to work by myself. It isn't the case at all, I just find it easiest to focus when I'm left to my own devices.

How I like to get my feedback:

verbally and constructively

Technical strengths & weaknesses:

strengths - an okay understanding of deployment, cloud practices and and decent understanding of vanilla js. decent understanding of SQL and it's syntax. weaknesses - typescript, js frameworks etc.

Interests (programming or otherwise!):

Football :))